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Customer Metrics Control Panel
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The background to this Control Panel is taken from a book called 'Customer Revolution' by the Patricia Seybold Group.



Count of active customers compared to goal

Count of active customers per account (business) or household (consumer) compared to goal

Count of products & services used by customers per segment compared to goal

% share of wallet, account or household per segment compared to goal

% increase/ decrease in # of active customers per segment (by day/week/month)

# of active customers per account or household

# of customer referrals by customer segment

% increase/ decrease in # of products used by customers per segment (by week/month)

% increase/ decrease in share of wallet, account, or household per segment

Customer acquisition cost per customer segment

# of net new prospects (by campaign)

Conversion rate of prospects to customers (by campaign)

Up-sell/cross-sell success rate by customer segment for additional products and services

Win/loss ratio per account or household per segment

Competitors’ customer acquisition costs

Success of competitors’ campaigns

% market penetration by competitors

Relevant market conditions (economy, regulatory, pricing, other)

Size of total market in # of customers and walletshare



% retention/ renewal of active customers by segment compared to goal

Average tenure of customers by segment compared to goal

# of repeat orders by segment compared to goal

# of product or service upgrades by segment compared to goal

Customer loyalty ratings per segment

Customer loyalty ratings per distribution channel & interaction touchpoint

Increase/ decrease in repeat orders/ by segment

Increase/ decrease in upgrades per segment

Customer retention cost per segment

# of "winback" customers per segment

% of customers by segment who have interacted with us (with our partners) within the last quarter

% of active customers enrolled in/ with activity in customer loyalty program per segment

# of customers "likely to defect"

Competitors’ customer retention rates

Competitors’ average tenure by customer segment

Benchmark customer retention rates in other industries



% of customer outcomes met per segment

Customer satisfaction ratings per segment

Mystery shopper scores

Average time to complete key customer scenarios compared to goals

% of customer responsiveness objectives met compared to goals for critical customer-impacting tasks

Customer satisfaction ratings per customer scenario & segment

Task-specific customer satisfaction ratings per interaction touch-point & channel

Average time to complete key tasks (e.g. Return the correct search result)

% accuracy of inventory & pricing info

Delivery timeliness and accuracy

% product returns

End-to-end transaction execution accuracy and speed

Product feature- or attribute-specific customer satisfaction ratings

Critical cycle times

Timeliness (as measured by customer)

Complexity of interactions (# of steps, # of interactions)

Inventory availability

Rates of returns, claims, abandonment,

Defect rates

# of customer support requests

% customer support interactions with 1-touch resolution

Mystery shopper scores for competitors by customer scenario and segment

Competitive benchmarks



Revenues per customer

Profitability per customer by segment

Average order size by customer segment

Average spending per customer by customer segment

Customer lifetime value by customer segment

Growth of customer spending by segment

Customer acquisition and retention costs by segment

Costs-to-serve by segment

Increase/ decrease in sales from new products by segment

Increase/ decrease in repeat sales by segment

Early buying signals by customer segment

Costs-to-serve by channels, and touchpoints

Competitors’ revenues per customer by segment

Competitors’ profits per customer by segment

Benchmark costs to serve

Benchmark customer lifetime value

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